Health & Safety
BR attaches great importance to QUALITY and SAFETY
We see rail freight transport as a safe investment in a climate-friendly future. For all the gears to seamlessly mesh on their way to the destination, it requires the highest quality standards according to the latest state of technology and a fully operational safety management system. We make both available to you.
Passion as a driving force
Our “safety-team” (Armin Rechberger, Tobias Böhm, & Eduard Metzker) are employees from the very early days at BR. They perform their roles as Health & Safety Managers, prevention specialists and fire safety officers excellently, with extensive expertise in the field of occupational safety and raising awareness of hazards in the workplace.
The motto: “Be the role model you want to be.”
Setting the course for more safety

The area of safety management is as extensive as the sources of danger that lurk in everyday working life and for which awareness needs to be raised. These includes:
- Advising employers and employees on all matters relating to occupational safety
- Purchase of personal protective equipment
- Hazard evaluation and workplace inspection
- Advice on the definition of hazard prevention
- Organization and implementation of instructions and training courses
- Determination, investigation and evaluation of the causes of accidents at work
Recognizing dangers that could affect the health of employees at an early stage is a top priority.
Our employees are excellently trained and competent in matters of occupational safety. We effectively minimize risks on site through preventive measures and regular safety briefings.